Counting Sort

S.1: Sorting in Linear Time

​ There are many algorithms to sort collections of elements into a prefixed order (usually increasing or decreasing) from arrays, trees, heaps, etc. ​ The most efficient sorting algorithms operate in O(n*log n) time. ​ However, if there are size/range restrictions on the elements to be sorted, then sorting algorithms may operate in O(n) time, a linear time-complexity. ​

S.2: Counting Sort

​ Counting sort assumes all elements are integers in the range [0,k1][0, k-1] for a finite constant kk. Essentially, counting sort uses an auxiliary array of size kk to store the repetition counts of every element in the given range. ​


  1. Create an array AA with size kk, where A[i]A[i] stores the number of times ii appears in the original array. We can do this by initializing AA to all 00, and then as we read through the original array O[i]O[i], we increment A[O[i]]A[O[i]] by 1.
  2. At this point, AA is a frequency count array across all kk elements in range. Next, we update AA as follows - we want A[i]A[i] to be the sum of all A[j]A[j] where j<ij < i in the previous iteration of AA. This way, the new updated AA is organized so that A[i]A[i] contains one more than the number of elements to come before it ii is to be in the array at all.
  3. Here comes the step where we actually create the sorted array. Initialize an empty array SS with the same size as original OO.
  4. We iterate the following step as we loop through OO: If O[i]O[i] is currently the element in question, then we set S[A[O[i]]]S[A[O[i]]] to be O[i]O[i] (this is equivalent to inserting O[i]O[i] into the A[O[i]]A[O[i]]th position in the new array SS). Then, we update AA by decrementing A[O[i]]A[O[i]] by 1 so in case a future O[]=O[i].O[\ell] = O[i].)
  5. By the end of this process, SS is a sorted version of OO. ​


​ Original Array OO: ​ Array 0, original ​ Determine in O(n)O(n) that the maximal element of the array is 8, so we restrict the range from 0 to 8. Then create array AA and fill in frequencies: ​ Array A, original ​ Create Array SS: ​ New Array S ​ Fill in the first element, 4, into the right position, 2. Then, update 4 count. ​ Array S and A, update 1 ​ Fill in the second element, 2, into the right position, 3. Then, update 2 count. ​ Array S and A, update 2 ​ Fill in the third element, 1, into the right position, 1. Then, update 1 count. ​ Array S and A, update 3 ​ Fill in the fourth element, 8, into the right position, 8. Then, update 8 count. ​ Array S and A, update 4 ​ Fill in the fifth element, 2, into the right position, 2. Then, update 2 count. ​ Array S and A, update 5 ​ Fill in the sixth element, 5, into the right position, 6. Then, update 5 count. ​ Array S and A, update 6 ​ Fill in the seventh element, 7, into the right position, 7. Then, update 7 count. ​ Array S and A, update 7 ​ Fill in the seventh element, 4, into the right position, 4. Then, update 4 count. ​ Array S and A, update 8 ​ And now SS is sorted! ​ Step 1 takes O(n)O(n), Step 2 takes O(k)O(k), Step 3 takes O(n)O(n), Step 4 takes O(n)O(n), so the overall runtime is O(n)O(n) since O(k)O(k) is constant. ​ No matter what the initial array OO is, the same steps are performed, so the runtime is always O(n)O(n), best, worst, and average. ​


Question: List the time-complexities for each of the four steps in the counting sort algorithm. Then, find the overall runtime. ​ Question: In a stable sorting algorithm, when there are multiple instances of the same element, they will appear in the output array in the same order as they appeared in the input array. Is Counting Sort stable? Why or Why not? Answer: Yes, as the algorithm moves left to right, so it places instances of the same element that occur later in the array after previous instances. ​

Code Example: Java

class CountingSort {
  void countSort(int array[], int size) {
    int[] output = new int[size + 1];

    // Determine range from maximal element in array
    int max = array[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
      if (array[i] > max)
        max = array[i];
    int[] count = new int[max + 1];

    // Initialize frequency count array with all zeros.
    for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
      count[i] = 0;

    // Store the the frequency of each element
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

    // Store the cummulative frequency count of every element
    for (int i = 1; i <= max; i++) {
      count[i] += count[i - 1];

    // Find the index of each element of the original array in count array, and
    // place the elements in output array
    for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      output[count[array[i]] - 1] = array[i];

    // Copy the sorted elements into original array
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      array[i] = output[i];

  // Driver code
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    int[] data = { 4, 2, 1, 8, 2, 5, 4 };
    int size = data.length;
    CountingSort cs = new CountingSort();
    cs.countSort(data, size);
    System.out.println("Sorted Array in Ascending Order: ");

Code Example: Python

def countingSort(array):
   size = len(array)
   output = [0] * size

   count = [0] * 10

   for i in range(0, size):
      count[array[i]] += 1

   for i in range(1, 10):
      count[i] += count[i - 1]

   i = size - 1
   while i >= 0:
      output[count[array[i]] - 1] = array[i]
      count[array[i]] -= 1
      i -= 1

   for i in range(0, size):
      array[i] = output[i]

data = [4,2,2,8,3,3,1]


Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Thomas H. Cormen
  • Charles E. Leiserson
  • Ronald L. Rivest
  • Clifford Stein
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